Peugeot MTB restoration

This is an unusual project but we liked it a lot. Unusual because we dont get too often customers that prefer to restore their old 1” MTB beater – most people tend to scrap them and buy a mediocre modern mass produced bike.

So for this one although the budget was set somewhat low we gave it a full clean make over for this sturdy old whip.

First of all the customer chose a super clean fresh paintjob, a gun metal grey to orange fade which was a super nice choice in our opinion. We chose to work on Sun Race new series of components that we like so much for this price range. A wide/narrow 1x drive train on a super wide sprocket set and a good set of freewheel wheelset. We changed the handle bar to a modern BLB and dressed up the build in Continental tyres for maximum durability.

If truth was to be said, dont scrap your old bikes, just give them a new life (and love)!

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